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【英式下午茶裡有什麼 - 英式鬆餅、果醬和凝塊忌廉】- 營養生Negimen

英式下午茶裡有什麼 - 英式鬆餅、果醬和凝塊忌廉】食完咸點,移動去甜點,包括英式鬆餅,凝塊忌廉和一些香港常見的果醬。

一個小小的英式鬆餅含有近 400 大卡的卡路里,相當於 1.5 碗米飯。凝塊忌廉比牛油奶味更香濃、質地更輕盈同順滑因為佢嘅脂肪含量介於發打忌廉同牛油之間,由 55% 到 65% 不等。凝塊忌廉雖然比牛油有較輕的油膩感,又比鮮忌廉含有更多的水份及牛奶蛋白,但卡路里亦非常高。至於果醬,成分較簡單,通常含有水果、糖、水及酸調節劑,有些品牌亦會添加魚膠粉以提升其濃稠度。

營養師提提您:每日建議攝取糖份不多於整體能量攝取的百分之五 (以每天攝取2000千卡為例,每日攝取的添加糖應少於25克)

💡新客戶首次參加1個月營養師飲食諮詢及醫療級身體成份分析,可免費獲贈 7天「度身定制」Negimen Tea及 豁免首次定制設計費用(總值HK$1,180),詳情請瀏覽網站。


【What is in a British Afternoon Tea - Scone, Jam and clotted cream】Let’s move on to the second layer of the British Afternoon Tea. This includes scones, assorted jam and clotted cream.

One tiny scone consists of almost 400kcal calories which is equivalent to 1.5 bowls of rice. Clotted cream tastes milky, lighter and creamier than butter, because its fat content is in between whipping cream and butter, ranging from 55% to 65%. It has more water and milk protein than whipping cream but the calories are remarkably high. As for the jams, the calories are pretty close, due to the simple ingredients of jam, which are mainly fruits, sugar, water and acid regulator, while gelatin can be found in some brands in order to enhance its thickness.

Friendly reminder: The daily sugar consumption should not exceed 10% of total energy intake (avg. adult 2000kcal per day, the maximum added sugar intake is 25g).

💡New member join 1-month Nutritionist Consultation can redeem 7-Day Tailor-made Negimen Tea with design fee (Original price HK$1,180) for free. Please visit Negimen website for more details.

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