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【英式下午茶裡有什麼 - 上層甜點】- 營養生Negimen

【英式下午茶裡有什麼 - 上層甜點】這次我們會集中講解下茶架頂層,介紹幾款很常見又非常有人氣甜品。

雖然大家心裏有數甜品是高糖份,高熱量食品,可你又知不知道法式千層蛋糕的脂肪含量是這7種甜品中中最高的。 法式千層蛋糕的餡料是調過味嘅忌廉,根據香港食品及藥物(成分及標籤)規例,鮮忌廉的奶類脂肪含量應不少於35%。試想像一下,一片法式千層蛋糕裡已經有5 茶匙油這麼多! 同時,雖然1個馬卡龍的熱量看起來並不高,但2個馬卡龍的含糖量已經超過了參巧每日攝取量的建議添加糖攝入量。(以每日攝取2000千卡為例,每日攝取的添加糖應少於25克)

所以女士們下次去茶話的話,記得不要吃太多甜。 多與朋友分享 「畢竟獨食易肥」呢!

💡新客戶首次參加1個月營養師飲食諮詢及醫療級身體成份分析,可免費獲贈 7天「度身定制」Negimen Tea及 豁免首次定制設計費用(總值HK$1,180),詳情請瀏覽網站。


【What is in a British Afternoon tea - Sweets and dessert】

In this episode, we will introduce the most commonly served desserts on the top layer of the tea shelf.

It is not surprising that all of the desserts are high in sugar, but did you know crepe cake has the highest fat content among these 7? Crepe cake is filled with seasoned whipping cream, which according to the Hong Kong Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations, the milk fat content of whipping cream should be not less than 35% fat. Just Imagine there are 5 teaspoons of oil in one slice of crepe cake you just have. Meanwhile, though 1 macaron seems not high in calories,the sugar content in 3pieces of Macaroon already exceeds the recommended added sugar consumption in a day. (avg. adult 2000kcal per day, the maximum added sugar intake is 25g )

Ladies, Next time if you go to a tea party, remember not to eat too much dessert, share with friends.

💡New member join 1-month Nutritionist Consultation can redeem 7-Day Tailor-made Negimen Tea with design fee (Original price HK$1,180) for free. Please visit Negimen website for more details.

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