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【肉丸營養逐個睇:小心海鮮丸含有重金屬】- 營養生Negimen


假如在打邊爐時進食約10粒肉丸或以上 (約1800毫克),所攝取的鈉已經接近世衛建議成人每日鈉攝取量上限 (2000毫克),所以享受美食的同時都要有所節制。此外,部分海產類的肉丸 (如魚蛋、龍蝦丸、墨魚丸) 較大機會受到重金屬污染,有些更檢出含有甲基汞。


在家工作同時肝排毒 、養生、 防疫💪🏻



【Nutrients Comparison of Meatballs:Watch out for Heavy Metals in Seafood Balls】

Winter is always the season of hotpot with family or friends, while seafood balls are one of the most popular choices, yet most of us often over consume with their small size. Seafood balls are also known as common processed foods that high in sodium and fat.

If you eat about 10 meatballs or above (around 1800 mg), the sodium intake is closer to the adult daily upper limit by WHO (2000 mg), so you need to be moderate while enjoying the food. Moreover, some seafood balls (fish ball, lobster ball, cuttlefish ball, etc.) are likely to be contaminated with heavy metals like methylmercury.

Friendly reminder: As methylmercury is detrimental to the development of the nervous system in the fetus, pre-pregnancy and pregnant women should be aware of the consumption amount. Reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure while being mindful of sodium and fat intake.

Source from: Consumer Council 2022.01

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