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【健康「糭」類大召集】- 營養生Negimen


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🎁網上預約優惠價 HK$720 (原價: HK$1,500)



新豬肉的熱潮,我們在市面上看到越來越多的產品都用到了新豬肉,糭子也不例外。以低脂肪的 新豬肉取替傳統鹹肉糉中的肥豬肉,可以減低其油份,令整體更低脂亦減低鹽份的吸收。







【Healthy rice dumpling options】Dragon boat festival is approaching, are you ready for rice dumplings? Summer is around the corner too, it is time to lose weight. Many people are concerned about gaining weight after eating rice dumplings. Are there any healthier rice dumpling options available in the market?

Omnipork has been a trend over the nutritional market these days, even traditional rice dumplings have added Omnipork as an ingredient. Omnipork substitutes fatty pork as an ingredient, and can lower the fat and sodium intake.

Moreover, these rice dumplings have substituted glutinous rice with lentils and quinoa, this can increase the fibre content and lentils are high in protein, which is important to vegans dietary intake. There is a dumpling that substituted rice with cauliflower, this lowers the total calories intake, at the same time increases the fibre content and lowers the GI level.

We should also be aware of the fillings in rice dumplings, most of the filling are high in fat and sodium, e.g. salty egg yolk. There is a vegan rice dumpling which uses pumpkin to substitute salted egg yolk, which also lowers the cholesterol intake. Other fillings such as mushroom, longan, chestnut and barleys are a better option as it has a lower fat and sodium content.

Although these are some healthier rice dumplings options, we still have to be aware of the portion intake, as some fillings are cooked with a large amount of sugar and salt. Let’s share your rice dumplings with friends and relatives, happy dragon boat festival!

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