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改善5大都市健康問題 (自選功能)

皮膚 - 暗瘡、暗啞、敏感、乾燥、毛囊發炎等

睡眠 - 難入睡、不能進入深度睡眠、容易中間醒等

胃口 - 胃口很大/很小、嚐甜、喜愛油炸、高熱量食品等

頭髮 - 脫髮問題、頭髮稀疏、頭髮生長慢等

排便 - 經常肚瀉、便秘、大便不成形、大便較乾等





雖然它們的熱量相若,且均屬於高糖飲品 (每100毫升飲品含有多於7.5克糖份),但乳酸飲品的糖份往往較乳酪飲品多出50%或更多。攝取過多添加糖容易令腸道益菌減少,增加體內發炎因子。



Lactobacillus or yogurt beverage?

There are various choices of probiotics products in the market. Lactobacillus beverages and yogurt drinks are the sources of probiotics. Now let's see how different they are and their nutritional value.

Yogurt drinks are dairy products with fewer artificial additives. Besides, fructooligosaccharides and lactose naturally found in milk can aid probiotics growth. In contrast, lactobacillus beverages are highly processed with water, artificial flavourings and large amounts of sugar for taste and bacteria stability.

Although their calories are similar and regarded as "high sugar" beverages (not less than 7.5g of sugar per 100ml), the sugar content of lactobacillus beverages are usually 50% more than that of yogurt drinks. Excessive sugar intake is likely to reduce the probiotics in the gut and to increase the level of inflammatory factors.

Therefore, it is suggested not for daily consumption, and choose low-sugar or unsweetened plain yogurt as alternatives.

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