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秋冬天氣乾燥,濕度和氣溫下降,容影誘發氣管敏感,喉嚨不適或乾咳等情況,此等情況可考慮自製飲茶飲舒緩物體因適應天氣的改變,從而潤肺化痰, 亦可有助舒緩便秘和健胃清腸。


① 把乾無花果和枇杷葉沖洗乾淨

② 加入沸水焗20分鐘即可


【Fig And Loquat Leaf Drink】

The temperature and humidity started to drop at fall seasons, which often caused our airways to become more sensitive, throat discomfort and dry cough, etc. You may consider making yourself a cup of warm herbal tea to help moistening the lungs and reducing phlegm, while relieving potential constipation and cleanse the stomach and intestine all at once.


① Rinse the dried figs and loquat leaves

② Add boiling water and brew for 20 minutes to serve

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今期推介👉🏻 【秋季養生茶療體驗】🍵

⓵ 量度醫療級身體成份分析

⓶ 營養師諮詢 (30分鐘)

⓷ 當季茶療3️⃣包

價錢:HKD 480



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