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全新系列 -〖5天茶療體驗套裝〗,營養生將定期根據季節性的變化及多年臨床數據制定最具功能性的茶療🍵

今期推介👉🏻 〖5天茶療套裝〗- 感冒茶 (售價: HKD520)





① 洋蔥切片,與薑和蒜翻炒至軟身

② 加入切片的雞腿肉,翻炒至半熟

③ 加入適量的沸水足以蓋過所有材料後加入切片的淮山

④ 中小火煲30-45分鐘

⑤ 隨個人口味加入適量鹽和胡椒粉即可


【Soup For Cold Hands And Feet】

Finally having the feeling of winter in mid-December, while cold hands and feets become more obvious and concerned. How come not treating yourself with a simple easy making soup recipe.

Cooking procedure:

① Slice the onion and stir-fry with ginger and garlic until soft

② Add sliced ​​chicken thigh and stir-fry until half cooked

③ Add boiling water that enough to cover the ingredients, then add the sliced ​​yam

④ Boil over medium-low heat for 30-45 minutes

⑤ Add trace amount of salt and pepper base on your personal taste

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