中央肥胖 (男士腰圍超過40寸;女士腰圍超過35寸)
高三酸甘油脂(三酸甘油脂超過 150 mg/dl)
少高密度脂蛋白(男士高密度脂蛋白低過 40 mg/dl;女士低過 50 mg/dl)
高血壓(上壓高過130 mmHg;下壓高過 85 mmHg)
胰島素抵抗 (空腹血糖 ≥ 100 mg/dL)
【What is Metabolic Syndrome?】Have you ever heard of this term? Negimen will tell you more about Metabolic Syndrome and what kind of diet could prevent such syndrome today.
One will be diagnosed as having Metabolic Syndrome if they have 3 or more of the risk factors.
Abdominal Obesity (Male > 40 in; Female > 35 in)
High Triglycerides (TG > 150 mg/dl)
Low High density lipoprotein (Male: HDL< 40 mg/dl; Female: HDL< 50 mg/dl)
High blood pressure (SBP≥ 130 mmHg/ DBP ≤ 85 mmHg)
Insulin Resistance (Fasting blood sugar ≥ 100 mg/dl)
Research has pointed out that people with metabolic syndrome and diabetes’ risk of having coronary heart disease are 5 times higher than healthy individuals. You can reduce risk of having metabolic syndrome by a low saturated fat and high unsaturated fat diet. This kind of diet could help improve “bad and good cholesterol” balance; High density lipoprotein removes cholesterol from the peripheral tissues to liver for recycle.
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